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Carried out by the carlessness of the childhood, the usual custom duty for health, the ascendancy of entertainment, the glorification of youth and beauty, the fast consumption, and a society refusing repression, Michel Lévy wonders himself herein about the human and humanist consequences of such a legacy.

He proposes here his own cathartic vision of the man's ego, roughly handled out by the infinity of the cosmos, by the medium of the sad jubilation generated by the image of a great hero escaping from a supposed cranial box to sheltering the queer spiritual essence of  mankind.  Or through a vision of the man questioning his God at the time of the death of a human being not yet sketched out; or when his beloved son passed away after having casting himself into the brilliant lights of what, may be, he has taken as a civilization.

When his heavy beauty abandons him to better remind to him the scheduled decay of the flesh …

2020 - Michel Lévy 

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